Our Crafty Cafe is now a regular running on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. For just £2 you can join in with the craft that's on offer that week from building little angles to creating window decorations and even painting porcelain. These are some of the things we've done at Crafty Cafe so far.
Crafty Cafe runs whilst our cafe is open on a Saturday 3.00pm - 5.00pm.
We welcome anyone in and, whilst the Crafty Cafe is on, the Cafe it's self is still open as normal. So if you don't want to be crafty, or you just want to come along with someone who wants to have a go, or just want to watch, you are more than welcome. Our cafe offers a range of drinks and a selection of small snacks (Menu) we would love to see you anytime our cafe is open.